Project Exchange Program Gate way to Germany to pursue higher level in the career Let’s pandemic not limit your growth. Every year we invite few students to Germany in order to pursue their bachelor project in our esteemed partner universities and reach centers. This given a chance to indian students to join in worlds class industry project as a part of their bachelor project. later several of them continue their masters in esteemed universities located Aachen, Berlin, Munich, Chemintz etc and pursed their employment at companies like AUDI, Daimler, SIMENS, FESTO etc. Again this year we are invitivung very stundents to achieve this opportunity. For more details write to consult@indoeurosync with subject “Project Exchange Program (PEP) 2021-22, Germany 🇩🇪.

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The PROJECT EXCHANGE PROGRAM is designed to help engineering students improve their logical and technical abilities, as well as providing an international platform for a variety of engineers to learn about European automotive and industrial technology. The PEP programme would provide its participants with a unique perspective on the automobile industry. PEP also provides a unique opportunity to meet and connect with GERMAN UNIVERSITY's top and most experienced instructors. Apart from providing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with German experts, PEP also hosts future-oriented seminars for aspiring engineers. Renowned German professors are holding two-day seminars to provide in-depth knowledge on current and future market situations. This programme is being held at the 'RFH Cologne University.'

Students in their third and final years of U.G., P.G., and B-tech Degree Courses are primarily targeted for the project exchange programme.

Let's not let the epidemic stop you from reaching greater levels in your profession by participating in the Project Exchange Program. Every year, we bring a select group of students to Germany to complete their bachelor's project at one of our prestigious partner institutions or reach institutes. This allowed Indian students to participate in a world-class industry project as part of their bachelor's thesis. Later, some of them pursued master's degrees at prestigious institutions in Aachen, Berlin, Munich, Chemnitz, and elsewhere, and found work at firms such as AUDI, Daimler, SIEMENS, FESTO, and others. We are inviting extreme students to participate in this chance once again this year. Send an email to consult@indoeurosync with the subject "Project Exchange Program (PEP) 2021- 22, Germany" for additional information.

Students: Any student pursuing a bachelor's or master's degree in engineering is eligible to apply to our programme.


  1. At a key juncture in your career, you need international exposure.
  2. Interaction with experienced experts provides an opportunity to learn about potential job opportunities.
  3. Understanding automotive management from a broad perspective
  4. Working and gaining hands-on experience on European Research/Industrial Projects for three months in Germany with a German University Certification Language course is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
  5. 30 credit points for cultural/industrial experience, which can be used for future studies. (If you want to pursue additional studies in a related field)
  6. While a student in their native country, they can receive online instructional assistance from German professionals. Visits to numerous German industries, colleges, and European career fairs are available.

For complete information and program brochure write us at