With our diverse and wide set of knowledge about both the Indian and European academic and business environment, our aim is to form a technological transfer bridge between all participants. Through our activities, we strive to create a better technological future by enabling closer collaboration and knowledge exchange between universities, companies, supporting organizations and students from India and Europe.

About Us

About Our Organization


Get to know us

Indo-Euro Synchronization (IES) is an initiative created with the support of a group of experienced technical and business professionals to connect India and Europe closer together. It has been actively envisioned to provide knowledge exchange programmes for more than a decade, as well as several decades of experiences through its cooperation partners across the border. It is now extending its wings by inviting a number of partners and bringing a variety of innovative technologies to partner organisations all around the world. In some developing nations, education and training are critical for nation-building, and expanding their presence into global places is essential for their future progress.

  • We can help students attain the highest-paying jobs by providing them with industry-level skill sets through our upskilling efforts.
  • Providing colleges with personalised programmes created by German experts to encourage continual learning, keep skills current, and remain current with new industry trends.
  • To secure and verify the highest levels of expertise in order to bring European and Indian students, universities, and enterprises closer together.
  • Establishing a technical transfer bridge between European and Indian academia
  • Exposure to cutting-edge German technology and German quality

Our goal is to build a technical transfer bridge across all participants using our diversified and broad experience of both the Indian and European academic and corporate environments. By facilitating stronger collaboration and information exchange between universities, industries, supporting organisations, and students from India and Europe, we want to contribute to a brighter technological future.
Our educational programmes, which are carried out in collaboration with prominent universities, enable Indian students and professionals to go to Europe. Participants obtain a full understanding of the local industrial scenario while also improving their professional abilities and expanding their career opportunities through extra schooling.

Advisory Across the World

We focus to build
a strong Knowledge
skill practices
We build
international exchange

